Questions and Answers

Below you will find answers to many common questions about Black & Gold Giving Day.

How does the Oakland University Credit Union (OUCU) match work?

Oakland University Credit Union (OUCU) has generously provided $100,000 in matching funds for Giving Day. Beginning at 12:00 am EST on March 5, 2025, individual* donors can make a gift to the fund of their choice for an opportunity for their gift to be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $1,000. This match is available until the OUCU matching funds are depleted. 


*Each individual is eligible for up to $1,000 max of from the OUCU match (while funds last).  Spouses may be eligible for matching funds if they use a credit card in their own name.

Do matching funds count toward the day's total?

Yes! The more you give, the more we receive from the Oakland University Credit Union (up to $75,000 total).

Check out the Challenges tab to learn about additional matches taking place throughout the day to benefit specific funds. Each match has its own parameters, be sure to check if there are any additional restrictions.

Why should I give today?

There are so many great reasons!

1. At Oakland University, we do our best to provide a high-quality experience to students and your donations directly impact those students and enhance their time at OU. 

2. Matching Funds! Today is a great day to give because your gift can have a greater impact, thanks to the matching funds made available by OUCU and many other generous donors.

3. Today is a day for the OU community to come together to celebrate what makes Oakland University so special. Making a gift shows your engagement and commitment to being a part of the OU family.

Do gifts from my company count toward the total and will they be matched?

Yes to both! All gifts will be matched up to $1,000 starting at 12:00am on Giving Day (thanks to the Oakland University Credit Union) until matching funds run out. 

Why do you want me to give? Doesn't tuition cover the cost of running the university?

Tuition alone covers the cost of about 81% of a full-time student's education. Gifts from donors fill the gaps and can mean the difference in completing a degree or not. We like to refer to philanthropic gifts as 'the frosting on the cupcake' because they make everything about the student experience at OU that much better.  Visit the Why Give to OU page to learn more about the impact of your gifts.

Do other universities host giving days?

While we'd like to say that we are unique, many other universities host giving days and these initiatives are very successful in strengthening their mission and reach. From other universities in Michigan to the most well-known universities in the country, this is one of the most exciting ways alumni and friends are supporting higher education.

How do I make a gift?

On March 5, 2025 (Black & Gold Giving Day), you will be able to make a gift by clicking the "Make A Gift" button at the top of this page. Just select the fund you'd like to support, enter your payment information, and click "submit." 

How do I find the fund I want to support?

Once you select 'Make a Gift!' you'll be taken to a giving form. At the top of the form, there will be a School, College, Department or Program dropdown. Select "All OU Funds" and then click on the Fund Designation dropdown. Begin to type in the name of the fund you'd like to support. Once you see it, click on it and you're all set.

Can I designate how my donation will be used?

Absolutely! By selecting a designation at the top of this giving form, you're choosing a specific fund to support. Each fund was created for a different purpose and to support a different project or initiative at the University.

Is my gift tax-deductible?

Yes! Online gifts will automatically receive a tax receipt via email and other gifts will receive one via US mail. 

Still have questions?

Contact us at

Give Early!